Fractional laser facial skin rejuvenation - features of the procedure, photos and reviews

Fractional laser facial skin rejuvenation

Skin aging begins at the age of 25, and at first this process goes unnoticed. Meanwhile, the skin gradually loses its elasticity, its structure changes, becomes looser, pores enlarge and wrinkles appear. Sooner or later, a moment comes when the changes become visible, and then it becomes difficult to cope with them with the usual cosmetics. And pigmentation disorders and skin thinning are not amenable to correction by conservative methods at all.

Fortunately, modern technology does not leave us alone with the problems of wilting. To restore the youthfulness of the skin, it is not enough just to eliminate the existing defects and signs of aging, it must be stimulated, to start the processes of cell renewal in it. This is the only way to achieve not only a visual effect, but also a real face rejuvenation. Fractional laser rejuvenation of the facial skin, which has been used in cosmetology for more than 10 years, can cope with the solution of such issues.

This technology is based on the method of fractional photothermolysis - exposure to a laser beam of a certain length, divided into several light fluxes (fractions) for more efficient work. Today, fractional rejuvenation is considered a viable alternative to a surgical facelift.

Mechanism of action of laser fractional facial skin rejuvenation

Over time, all processes in the body slow down, including at the cellular level. This is what causes skin aging: cells are no longer utilized so quickly, new ones do not grow so actively, as a result, skin renewal is more and more ineffective and practically stops. Studies have shown that laser irradiation of skin cells helps restore the skin's potential for natural rejuvenation.

Under the influence of the light beam and the heatstroke generated by it in the skin, the tissues are intensively cleaned from already dead cells and those whose ability to further growth and development has been lost. At the same time, young and healthy cells only benefit from this effect: they actively multiply, replacing the utilized cells and restoring the “damaged” mechanism of skin renewal.

Almost all cosmetological lasers have such an effect on the skin. The difference between fraxel is that it uses the most effective size of the laser beam, less than 200 microns in diameter: it is such a thin laser that is most conducive to replacing old tissue with young and healthy.

The second feature of fractional rejuvenation is that the effect occurs not with one beam, but with a whole mass of microbeams, into which the light flux is broken, creating a grid effect. Thus, the irradiation occurs not as a point or as a continuous pulse. It is located on a certain matrix.

The skin is divided into small areas, in the center of each of which there are tissues that have undergone a powerful heat shock, and around them there are healthy cells that have not been affected by the laser beam. The result of this treatment is active skin regeneration: exfoliation of damaged cells and the growth of young skin in their place.

Types of fractional rejuvenation

Fractional photothermolysis comes in two fundamentally different forms: ablative and non-ablative. These methods of laser exposure differ from each other in many ways: the depth of penetration of the laser, the intensity of treatment, the mechanism of skin stimulation, the final effect.

Ablative technology assumes a superficial effect on the cells of the epidermis through their evaporation. Non-ablative rejuvenation, on the contrary, does not affect the uppermost layer of the skin, but penetrates deep into it, where the lower layer of the epidermis is and the dermis begins. In this case, the cells that were irradiated do not evaporate, but form columns of coagulated tissues.

In both cases, laser treatment occurs in limited areas, around which locations with the so-called zones of cellular programming are preserved - healthy cells that have a high potential for regeneration, which is triggered by heat shock. A short-term increase in temperature in the tissues causes the activation of all metabolic processes in them, including the growth of elastin and collagen fibers responsible for the elasticity and youth of the skin.

Ablative Fraxel gives a quick effect and is more suitable for eliminating the first signs of aging: shallow wrinkles, slight loss of turgor. As a result of ablation, micro-areas evaporate from the skin surface, which, during regeneration, are tightened by new skin with the participation of cells from the surrounding areas. Thus, there is a lifting (tightening) of the skin of the face as a whole, as well as the destruction of wrinkles and defects.

Such superficial impact will not be enough to solve problems of a face with clear signs of wilting. Aging skin needs to be "treated" from the inside, in the deep layers where the cells responsible for the renewal of the dermal framework are located. This result provides non-ablative fractional rejuvenation.

Of course, no one forbids combining these two methods. Then the effect will be even more stunning: the skin will receive a double impulse to rejuvenate, both from the inside and from the outside, so a visible improvement in the condition of the face will be noticeable after one procedure, and the activated tissue renewal will keep the face "in shape" for a long time.

Fractional laser rejuvenation procedure

Like any other laser procedure, fracsel is done only by a qualified specialist. The fact is that the equipment used belongs to medical laser equipment, to work with which it is necessary to have a medical education, undergo training and get the appropriate experience.

In inept hands, a laser can be dangerous with complications and unpredictable consequences, moreover, this procedure has a fairly large number of contraindications. It is with the identification of obstacles to the use of laser procedures that the process of preparation for fractional rejuvenation should begin.


Let's list those conditions and diseases that do not allow the use of procedures based on laser exposure:

  • the presence of any tumor formations in the body in the present and past;
  • skin diseases in the treatment area: dermatitis, dermatoses, eczema, psoriasis, vitiligo;
  • damaged skin (abrasions, scratches);
  • history of photoallergy;
  • tendency to form keloids;
  • chronic diseases of the endocrine, cardiovascular, hematological systems;
  • acute viral and bacterial infections;
  • weak immunity;
  • acute or chronic herpes in the acute stage;
  • taking retinoid-based medications (after the end of admission, at least six months should pass before the procedure if pills were taken, and at least 2 weeks if external agents were used);
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • epilepsy and other mental and neurological problems;
  • recent tan.

After examining the anamnesis and current state of health, the cosmetologist decides whether the procedure is possible. In some cases, it may need to be postponed temporarily, such as with a cold or menstruation. In general, fractional laser rejuvenation is a fairly safe procedure and, if performed correctly, does not threaten any complications.

The doctor performs the photothermolysis procedure
Procedure progress

Fractional photothermolysis is considered a painless procedure. However, this cannot be 100% confirmed. Most patients still experience discomfort during, and especially after, laser rejuvenation.

Therefore, local anesthesia is where it is customary to start a laser therapy session. An anesthetic is applied to the face to reduce the overall sensitivity of the skin. Burning and tingling sensations are acceptable during exposure.

Facial treatment takes 20-40 minutes (the time of the session depends on the size of the exposure zone), and after its completion, a special protective cream is applied to the skin, and the patient receives recommendations for skin care for the recovery period.

Skin regeneration after treatment
Rest mode after the procedure

It is believed that fractional rejuvenation does not require a recovery period and does not disrupt the usual rhythm of life. In fact, this is not entirely true. In order not to get into an awkward situation, it is better not to take risks and not try to combine the laser procedure with work or the upcoming holidays. It is advisable to take a vacation for at least a week, because these days you need to observe the rest regime, and the appearance is unlikely to allow you to lead an active life. For several days, the face will be red and swollen, after a few days it will begin to peel off, and only after 7-10 days can we talk about a normal look.

Healing with ablative fraxel is especially unpleasant: with it, the state of the face can resemble a burn. Other consequences after the procedure include:

  • hyper- or hypopigmentation;
  • the occurrence of scars and scars, if the tendency to them was not previously identified;
  • introduction of infection into micro-wounds.

These side effects are unlikely and account for less than 3% of all fractional rejuvenation cases. If the procedure itself is carried out correctly, without disrupting the preparation and rehabilitation process, the likelihood of complications is reduced to zero.

After the fractional laser, do not sunbathe, expose the skin to friction, use aggressive cosmetics, overheat and hypothermia.

Results of fractional laser facial skin rejuvenation

Laser fractional rejuvenation, unlike fractional skin resurfacing, is a minimally invasive procedure. It does not "burn" the layers of the skin, so the effect after one session is unlikely to be overwhelming. As a rule, fractional rejuvenation is done in courses - from 3 to 6 sessions, and then you can already evaluate the result:

Before and after fractional rejuvenation
  • tightening and tightening the skin;
  • strengthening the face oval;
  • wrinkle smoothing;
  • elimination of age spots;
  • acne smoothing;
  • alignment of complexion.

The rejuvenating effect lasts from one to 10 years, then you can do a second course.

Fractional laser rejuvenation is well combined with other procedures: resurfacing, injection techniques, during the recovery period after plastic surgery. Laser irradiation does not have a destructive effect on previously introduced fillers, but experts believe that it is better to first conduct a full course of Fraxel, and then deal with the correction of the remaining deficiencies.

Patient reviews are mixed. Along with the positive recommendations of this procedure, negative statements are often encountered. For example, many women voice such complaints:

  1. The recovery period lasts much longer than cosmetologists promise. As a rule, we are not talking about 4-7 days, as employees of beauty salons say, but about 10-14 days.
  2. More than half of the patients indicate insufficient effectiveness. Many people believe that fractional rejuvenation has made their face puffy, making them look older than before the procedure. It is also noted that the possibilities of the procedure to smooth out wrinkles are greatly exaggerated, and its main purpose is to eliminate hyperpigmentation and traces of acne.
  3. The undoubted disadvantage of fractional laser rejuvenation is its cost.

Treatment feedback

Here are some reviews of fractional laser facial skin rejuvenation:

Review # 1

My mother-in-law's husband and I presented a certificate for fractional rejuvenation for the anniversary. She is a young, active woman, she went with pleasure. It can be seen that there is a result: the face is fresher, tightened, all sorts of spots are gone, the wrinkles around the eyes are noticeably smoothed out. I did it only once, but still wants to go, fix the result, asked for the next holiday to give her the same gift.

Review # 2

I didn't like fractional rejuvenation. First, it hurt. Secondly, after the procedure, I had to stay at home for almost 2 weeks. My face increased several times, everything was red and even wet, as if the ichor was oozing. The result is zero. My main problem is post acne on my cheeks. So everything remained, as it was, it was worth so much suffering, also for your own money.

Review # 3

I only had enough for one Fraxel procedure. Still, it is expensive and unpleasant. But after 6 days I saw the result, and it is excellent! Gone are the nasolabial folds and all age spots have disappeared, and this is exactly what made me much older than I really am. Now everything suits me, I think that if necessary I will decide to take the course again.


As for the cost of one fractional laser rejuvenation procedure, it varies considerably depending on the amount of work and the degree of intervention. Payment is usually set for individual areas, for the whole face as a whole, for a face with neck and décolleté gripping. Prices may vary depending on the city.

Most cosmetologists consider this procedure a worthy alternative to plastic surgery, but it makes sense to carry it out without waiting for significant skin changes, when it is already difficult and expensive to eliminate them. If you start doing fractional rejuvenation at the age of 35-40, it will allow you to postpone the need to use more radical methods for a long time.